Are you available for Christ?

“I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found no one. 31 So I will pour out my wrath on them and consume them with my fiery anger, bringing down on their own heads all they have done, declares the Sovereign Lord.” Jer. 22:30

1. God is actively looking for INTERCESSOR!
While God is present everywhere always, one of the thing He does is to LOOK FOR people who would stand in the Gap for people before him. His people would not realise it nor aware that they have been watched on by their God. Religious leader may not understand it. But the search continues. God is still looking around the church who would stand in the gap for people before him. He has been looking at your lifestyle, spirituality, etc to see if you would respond to the call of intercession. Are you aware of His search?

2. Who is an Intercessor?
Intercessor is one intervene on behalf of others in prays. The prayer of an intercessor is persistent, deep, with true burden, till the burden is lifted. Usually, when the burden come from God, and when the burden is lifted, it means, God has answered the prayer.

Intercessory prayer is not a quick fix, quick cry and forget tomorrow kind of prayer. It stays…continues…is lifestyle…fruitful…Holy Spirit inspired…full of unction…at times marked with agony and groaning…and more.

3. Why does God look for INTERSESSOR?
God look for intercessor because HE wants to grant mercy for people who are in trouble because of sin or disobedience or generally in need of intervention. People or city, church, family, children business, etc at times enter crisis or danger may be looming over them
and only God knows the danger. Therefore, at such times God wants someone to pray for them seriously so that they are protected from danger, so that He would intervene for His people. Therefore, intercessors play an important role between people of God and God.

4. What does it take to become an intercessor?
A heart of God, a love for people, grace to tarry, genuine knowledge of the Word of God.
Patience, faith, hope are also key player. Prayer needs patience. Prayer needs faith. Prayer needs hopefulness because the answer may not come straight away. Finally, the all enabling grace of God and a responsive spirit when God prompt for intercession.

Can you join God’s team of intercessor! Can you say yes, I am available use me for your glory and blessing of others? Do join the team who make God’s heart glad and are found by him for such wonderful service. You will reap a harvest of righteousness. God bless you.