Please find the prayer topics during this prayer and fasting week (23rd March to 30th March)

Let us pray for:

1) salvation of people (Matt 16-26)

2) faith not fear to fill the heart of saints during these challenging times

3) spiritual eyes of believers to be opened (I ask that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you may know the hope of His calling, the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints…Ephessians1:17-19)

4) intervention of God in the situation of the poor in poor countries where there are none or no strong social services (Psalm 19:17)

5) protection and strengthening of all the front line service people such as health professionals, military, etc. during this time of crisis (Psalm 127:1)

6) guidance and wisdom to all government officials and professionals who make major decisions affecting the lives of people (Ecc 13-14)

7) heart of forgiveness and reconciliation amongst believers far and near

Let us also ask God to guide us and give us more prayer topics as we take time to pray and listen to Him.

Weekly programmes

Based on the government guidelines of social distancing due to Corona Virus, there will be no meetings in Flora Gardens but there is Live Prayer Streaming on BOLCI Facebook and website on

          Wednesday 7-9pm

          Friday        7-9pm


The normal Sunday church service is streamed live on Sunday 10:15am every week.